नई दिल्ली. भारत में आजादी के बाद पहला आम चुनाव 1951-52 में हुआ. देश के पहला लोकसभा चुनाव 25 अक्टूबर 1951 से 21 फरवरी 1952 के बीच हुआ. 1951-52 में देश के 26 राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों की कुल 489 लोकसभा सीटों पर चुनाव हुए. इस चुनाव में 68 चरणों में मतदान हुआ. कांग्रेस पार्टी ने 1951-52 के लोकसभा में पूर्ण बहुमत के साथ जीत दर्ज की और पंडित जवाहर लाल नेहरू भारत के प्रधानमंत्री बने थे. आइए जानते हैं इस चुनाव में कितनी पार्टियों ने हिस्सा लिया और किस पार्टी का कितना वोट प्रतिशत रहा.
लोकसभा चुनाव 1951-52 में प्रमुख पार्टियां-
आजादी के बाद भारत के पहले आम चुनाव के वक्त देश में कुल 14 राष्ट्रीय पार्टियां और 39 छोटी राजनीतिक पार्टियां थीं. राष्ट्रीय पार्टियों में भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस (INC) के अलावा सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (SP), किसान मजदूर प्रजा पार्टी (KMPP), कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया (CPI), भारतीय जनसंघ (BJS), शेड्यूल कास्ट फेडरेशन (SCF) जैसे राजनीतिक दल प्रमुख थे.
लोकसभा चुनाव 1951-52 का वोटिंग प्रतिशत-
1951-52 में हुए आम चुनाव में भारत के करीब आधे मतदाताओं ने अपने मताधिकार का प्रयोग किया. पहले लोकसभा चुनाव के वक्त भारत में कुल 17 करोड़ 32 लाख 12 हजार 343 रजिस्टर्ड मतदाता थे, इनमें से 10 करोड़ 59 लाख 50 हजार 83 मतदाताओं ने वोटिंग में हिस्सा लिया. लोकसभा चुनाव 1951-52 में 44.87 प्रतिशत मतदान हुआ. सबसे ज्यादा त्रवणकोर कोच्चि (केरल) राज्य में 71 फीसदी मतदान हुआ और सबसे कम बिलासपुर (छत्तीसगढ़) में शून्य प्रतिशत वोटिंग हुई.
लोकसभा चुनाव 1951-52 रिजल्ट-
1951-52 में हुए लोकसभा चुनाव में कांग्रेस पार्टी ने पूर्ण बहुमत के साथ जीत दर्ज की. कांग्रेस 479 लोकसभा सीटों पर चुनाव लड़ी और 361 सीटों पर जीत दर्ज की. दूसरे नंबर पर कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया (सीपीआई) रही. सीपीआई ने 49 लोकसभा सीटों पर चुनाव लड़ा और 16 सीटों पर जीत दर्ज की. वहीं सोशलिस्ट पार्टी ने 254 सीटों पर अपने उम्मीदवार उतारे लेकिन 12 सीटों पर ही जीत दर्ज कर पाई. भारतीय जनसंघ जो आगे जाकर भारतीय जनता पार्टी बनी, ने 94 लोकसभा सीटों पर चुनाव लड़ा और 3 पर जीत दर्ज की. इस चुनाव में 37 निर्दलीय प्रत्याशियों ने भी बाजी मारी और जीतकर संसद पहुंचे. इसके अलावा छोटी राज्य स्तरीय पार्टियों ने 34 सीटों पर कब्जा जमाया.
पहले लोकसभा चुनाव में कांग्रेस को 44.99 प्रतिशत वोट मिले. उसके बाद सोशलिस्ट पार्टी को 10.59 प्रतिशत, किसान मजदूर प्रजा पार्टी को 5.79 प्रतिशत, भारतीय जनसंघ को 3.06 प्रतिशत और सीपीआई को 3.29 प्रतिशत वोट मिले. इस चुनाव में कांग्रेस की जीत के बाद पंडित जवाहर लाल नेहरू प्रधानमंत्री बने. वहीं गणेश वासुदेव मावलंकर पहली लोकसभा के स्पीकर चुने गए. पहली लोकसभा का कार्यकाल 17 अप्रैल 1952 से 4 अप्रैल 1957 तक चला.
लोकसभा चुनाव 1951-52 की बड़ी हार-
1951-52 के आम चुनाव में भारत के संविधान निर्माता और पहले कानून मंत्री डॉ. भीम राव अंबेडकर (बी. आर. अंबेडकर) बॉम्बे सिटी नोर्थ संसदीय क्षेत्र से कांग्रेस कैंडिडेट नारायण सदोबा कजरोलकर से चुनाव हार गए. इसके बाद राज्य सभा से संसद में प्रवेश किया. अंबेडकर ने मध्य प्रदेश के भंडारा से 1954 में उप चुनाव लड़ा, जिसमें भी उन्हें हार का सामना करना पड़ा. बी. आर. अंबेडकर के राजनीतिक संगठन शेड्यूल कास्ट फेडरेशन (SCF) जो कि आगे जाकर रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया (RPI) बनी, ने 1951-52 में 35 लोकसभा सीटों पर चुनाव लड़ा, जिसमें एससीएफ सिर्फ दो सीटों पर जीत दर्ज कर पाई.
वहीं किसान मजदूर प्रजा पार्टी के नेता जे. बी. कृपलानी उर्फ आचार्य कृपलानी को भी इस चुनाव में हार का सामना करना पड़ा. कृपलानी को फैजाबाद से कांग्रेस प्रत्याशी पन्ना लाल ने मात दी. जबकि उनकी पत्नी सुचेता कृपलानी ने नई दिल्ली से कांग्रेस प्रत्याशी मनमोहन सहगल को हरा दिया.
Year | Name of State/ UT | Parliamentary Constituency | Candidate Name | Party Abbreviation | Margin Votes |
1951 | Kutch | Kutch East | Dholakia Gulabshanker Amrutlal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 14014 |
1951 | Kutch West | Khimji Bhawanji Arjun | Indian National Congress (INC) | 29933 | |
1951 | Ajmer | Ajmer North | Jawala Prashad | Indian National Congress (INC) | 17689 |
1951 | Ajmer South | Mukat Behari Lal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 17954 | |
1951 | Assam | Autonomous Districts | Bonily Khongmen | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26339 |
1951 | Barpeta | Beliram Das | Indian National Congress (INC) | 12343 | |
1951 | Cachar Lushal Hills | Laskar, Nibaran Chandra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 10155 | |
1951 | Darrang | Kamakhya Prasad Tripathi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 34477 | |
1951 | Dibrugarh | Hazarika, Jogendra Nath | Indian National Congress (INC) | 70710 | |
1951 | Gauhati | Rohini Kumar Chaudhury | Indian National Congress (INC) | 23569 | |
1951 | Goalpara Garo Hills | Jonab Amjad Ali | Socialist Party (SP) | 16949 | |
1951 | Golaghat Jorhat | Debeswar Sarma | Indian National Congress (INC) | 50675 | |
1951 | Nowgong | Barooah, Dev Kanta | Indian National Congress (INC) | 32844 | |
1951 | Sibsagar North Lakhimpur | Buragohain, Surendranath | Indian National Congress (INC) | 58663 | |
1951 | Bhopal | Raisen | Chatrunarain Malvia | Indian National Congress (INC) | 23869 |
1951 | Sehore | Saeed Ullah Razmi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13395 | |
1951 | Bihar | Bhagalpur Central | Banarshi Pd. Jhunjhunwala | Indian National Congress (INC) | 33390 |
1951 | Bhagalpur Cum Purnea | Anup Lal Mehata | Indian National Congress (INC) | 30214 | |
1951 | Bhagalpur South | Susama Sen | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26724 | |
1951 | Chailbassa (ST) | Kanu Ram Deogam | Jharkhand Party (JHP) | 111791 | |
1951 | Champaran East | Syed Mahmood | Indian National Congress (INC) | 22182 | |
1951 | Champaran North | Bipin Bihari Verma | Indian National Congress (INC) | 21752 | |
1951 | Darbhanga Central | Shri Narayan Das | Indian National Congress (INC) | 48629 | |
1951 | Darbhanga Cum Bhagalpur | Lalit Narayan Misra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 42537 | |
1951 | Darbhanga East | Aniruydh Sinha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 22178 | |
1951 | Darbhanga North | Shyam Nandan Prasad | Indian National Congress (INC) | 8261 | |
1951 | Gaya East | Brajeshwar Prasad | Indian National Congress (INC) | 21455 | |
1951 | Gaya North | Bigeshwar Missir | Socialist Party (SP) | 6770 | |
1951 | Gaya West | Satyandra Narain Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 5711 | |
1951 | Hazaribagh West | Ram Narayan Singh | Chota Nagpur Santhal Parganas Janta Party (CNSPJP) | 25641 | |
1951 | Hazaribhag East | Nageshwar Pd. Sinha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 16394 | |
1951 | Manbhum North | Mohan Hari | Indian National Congress (INC) | 4527 | |
1951 | Manbhum South Cum Dhalbhum | Bhajahari Mahaton | Lok Sewak Sangh (LSS) | 5608 | |
1951 | Monghyr North East | Suresh Chandra Mishra | Socialist Party (SP) | 1246 | |
1951 | Monghyr North West | Mathura Prasad Misra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19128 | |
1951 | Monghyr Sadar Cum Jamui | Banarsi Pd. Sinha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13345 | |
1951 | Muzafarpur East | Awadeshwar Pd. Sinha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 23245 | |
1951 | Muzaffarpur Central | Shyam Nandan Sahay | Indian National Congress (INC) | 43012 | |
1951 | Muzaffarpur Cum Darbhanga | Rajeshwar Patel | Indian National Congress (INC) | 29595 | |
1951 | Muzaffarpur North East | Dig Vijoy Narayan Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 32509 | |
1951 | Muzaffarpur North West | Chandeswar Narain Prasad Sinha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 2482 | |
1951 | Palamau Cum Hazaribagh Cum Ranchi | Jithan Kherwar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 10694 | |
1951 | Pataliputra | Sarangdhar Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26698 | |
1951 | Patna Central | Kailash Pati Sinha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 46401 | |
1951 | Patna Cum Shahabad | Balram Bhagat | Indian National Congress (INC) | 45740 | |
1951 | Patna East | Tarkeshwari Devi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 32850 | |
1951 | Purnea Central | Phani Gopal Sen Gupta | Indian National Congress (INC) | 53359 | |
1951 | Purnea Cum Santal Parganas | Bhagat Jha (Azad) | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18212 | |
1951 | Purnea North East | Mohammad Islamuddin | Indian National Congress (INC) | 68349 | |
1951 | Ranchi North East | Abdul Ibrahim | Indian National Congress (INC) | 11391 | |
1951 | Ranchi West (ST) | Jaipal Singh | Jharkhand Party (JHP) | 66106 | |
1951 | Samastipur East | Satya Narain Sinha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 24229 | |
1951 | Santal Parganas Cum Hazaribagh | Ram Raj Jajware | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13170 | |
1951 | Saran Central | Mahendra Nath Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 38867 | |
1951 | Saran Cum Champaran | Bibhuti Missir | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19397 | |
1951 | Saran East | Satya Narain Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 45303 | |
1951 | Saran North | Jhulan Sinha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 44937 | |
1951 | Saran South | Dwarka Nath Tiwari | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19270 | |
1951 | Shahabad North West | Kamal Singh | Independent (IND) | 2392 | |
1951 | Shahabad South | Ram Subhag Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 3464 | |
1951 | Bilaspur | Bilaspur | Anand Chand | Independent (IND) | 0 |
1951 | Bombay | Ahmedabad | Mavlankar Ganesh Vasudeo | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26850 |
1951 | Ahmednagar North | Kanavade Pandharinath Ramchandra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 59365 | |
1951 | Ahmednagar South | Bogavat Uttamchand Ramchand | Indian National Congress (INC) | 21576 | |
1951 | Banaskantha | Chavda Akbar Dalumiyan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 55711 | |
1951 | Baroda West | Amin Indhubhai Bhailalbhai | Independent (IND) | 35824 | |
1951 | Belgaum North | Datar Balwant Nagesh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 101714 | |
1951 | Belgaum South | Patil Shankargouda Virangouda | Indian National Congress (INC) | 49478 | |
1951 | Bhusawal | Rane Shivram Rango | Indian National Congress (INC) | 68326 | |
1951 | Bijapur North | Dube Rajaram Girdharlal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 75800 | |
1951 | Bijapur South | Bidari Ramappa Balappa | Indian National Congress (INC) | 100190 | |
1951 | Bombay City North | Gandhi Vithal Balkrishna | Indian National Congress (INC) | 9397 | |
1951 | Bombay City South | Patil Sadashiv Kanoji | Indian National Congress (INC) | 35087 | |
1951 | Bombay Suburban | Raiji Jayashri Naishadh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 12790 | |
1951 | Broach | Bhatt Chandrashankar Manishankar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 36374 | |
1951 | Dharwar North | Karmaka Dattatraya Parsuramrao | Indian National Congress (INC) | 41871 | |
1951 | Dharwar South | Neswi Timmappa Rudrappa | Indian National Congress (INC) | 49135 | |
1951 | Jalgaon | Pataskar Hari Vinayak | Indian National Congress (INC) | 74296 | |
1951 | Kaira North | Dabhi Fulsinhjee Bharatsinhji | Indian National Congress (INC) | 59296 | |
1951 | Kaira South | Patel Maniben Vallabhbhai | Indian National Congress (INC) | 59298 | |
1951 | Kanara | Alva Jaochim Piedade | Indian National Congress (INC) | 48602 | |
1951 | Kolaba | Deshmukh Chintaman Dwarkanath | Indian National Congress (INC) | 42088 | |
1951 | Kolhapur Cum Satara | Khardekar Balasaheb Hasanmantrao | Independent (IND) | 59551 | |
1951 | Mehsana East | Parekh Shantilal Girdharlal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 33441 | |
1951 | Mehsana West | Kilachand Tulshidas Kilachand | Independent (IND) | 4064 | |
1951 | Nasik Central | Deshpande Govind Hari | Indian National Congress (INC) | 43661 | |
1951 | North Satara | Altekar Ganesh Sadashiv | Indian National Congress (INC) | 37224 | |
1951 | Pancchmahals Cum Baroda East | Gandhi Maneklal Maganlal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 85697 | |
1951 | Poona Central | Gadgil Narhar Vishnu | Indian National Congress (INC) | 60492 | |
1951 | Poona South | Maydeo Indira Anant | Indian National Congress (INC) | 82288 | |
1951 | Ratnagiri North | Bhosale Jagannathrao Krishnarao | Indian National Congress (INC) | 40940 | |
1951 | Ratnagiri South | Joshi Moreshwar Dinkar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19257 | |
1951 | Sabarkantha | Nanda Gulzarilal Bulaqiram | Indian National Congress (INC) | 22374 | |
1951 | Sholapur | More Shankar Shantaram | Peasants & Workers Party (PWP) | 16621 | |
1951 | South Satara | Pawar Vyankatrao Pirajirao | Indian National Congress (INC) | 74210 | |
1951 | Surat | Desai Kanhaiyalal Nanabhai | Indian National Congress (INC) | 14721 | |
1951 | Thana | Nandkar Anant Savalaram | Indian National Congress (INC) | 11348 | |
1951 | West Khandesh | Bharatiya Shaligram Ramchandra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 10063 | |
1951 | Coorg | Coorg | N. Somanna | Indian National Congress (INC) | 12313 |
1951 | Delhi | Delhi City | Radha Raman | Indian National Congress (INC) | 23341 |
1951 | New Delhi | Suchetia Kripalani | Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party (KMPP) | 7671 | |
1951 | Outer Delhi | C. Krisnan Nair | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13479 | |
1951 | Himachal Pradesh | Chamba Sirmur | A. R. Sewal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 16586 |
1951 | Mandi Mahasu | Amrit Kaur | Indian National Congress (INC) | 5719 | |
1951 | Hyderabad | Adilabad | C. Madhav Reddy | Socialist Party (SP) | 25083 |
1951 | Ambad | Hanmanth Rao Ganeshrao | Indian National Congress (INC) | 15459 | |
1951 | Aurangabad | Sureshchandra Shivprasad Arya | Indian National Congress (INC) | 35223 | |
1951 | Bhir | Ramchander Govind Paranjppe | Peoples Democratic Front (PDF) | 9251 | |
1951 | Bidar | Shoukatulla Shah Ansari | Indian National Congress (INC) | 53403 | |
1951 | Gulabarga | Swamy Ramanand Tirth | Indian National Congress (INC) | 17046 | |
1951 | Hyderabad City | Ahmed Mohiuddin | Indian National Congress (INC) | 15660 | |
1951 | Ibrahimpatam | Sadat Ali Khan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 33295 | |
1951 | Karimnagar | Badan Yella Reddy | Peoples Democratic Front (PDF) | 21707 | |
1951 | Khammam | T. B. Vittala Rao | Peoples Democratic Front (PDF) | 72632 | |
1951 | Kustagi | Shiv Murthy Swamy | Independent (IND) | 44159 | |
1951 | Mahboobnagar | Janardhan Reddy | Indian National Congress (INC) | 71795 | |
1951 | Medak | Jaisoorya | Peoples Democratic Front (PDF) | 19680 | |
1951 | Nalgonda | Ravi Narayan Reddy | Peoples Democratic Front (PDF) | 27045 | |
1951 | Nanded | Shanker Rao Srinivas Rao | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18820 | |
1951 | Nizamabad | Harish Chandra Heda | Indian National Congress (INC) | 12243 | |
1951 | Osmanabad | Diwan Raghevendra Srinivas Rao | Indian National Congress (INC) | 9103 | |
1951 | Parbhani | Narayan Rao Waghmare | Peasants & Workers Party (PWP) | 44962 | |
1951 | Vikarabad | Ebenezer S. A. | Indian National Congress (INC) | 100365 | |
1951 | Warangal | Pendyal Raghava Rao | Peoples Democratic Front (PDF) | 3613 | |
1951 | Yadgir | Krishna Charya Joshi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 0 | |
1951 | Madhya Bharat | Guna | V. G. Deshpande | Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha (HMS) | 2969 |
1951 | Gwalior | V. G. Deshpande | Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha (HMS) | 11057 | |
1951 | Indore | Nandlal Surya Narayan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 62517 | |
1951 | Jhabua (ST) | Amar Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13148 | |
1951 | Mandsaur | Kailash Nath Katju | Indian National Congress (INC) | 43851 | |
1951 | Morena Bhind | Radha Charan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 38106 | |
1951 | Nimar | Bajinath Mahodaya | Indian National Congress (INC) | 39367 | |
1951 | Shajapur Rajgarh | Liladhar Joshi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 24036 | |
1951 | Ujjain | Radhelal Vyas | Indian National Congress (INC) | 41736 | |
1951 | Madhya Pradesh | Amravati East | Panjabrao Shamrao Deshmukh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 96648 |
1951 | Amravati West | Krushnarao Gulabrao Deshmukh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 82602 | |
1951 | Balaghat | C. D. Goutam | Indian National Congress (INC) | 72600 | |
1951 | Bastar (ST) | Muchaki Kosa | Independent (IND) | 141331 | |
1951 | Betul | Bhikulal Lakhmichand Chandak | Indian National Congress (INC) | 94082 | |
1951 | Bhandara | Chaturbhuj Vithaldas Jasani | Indian National Congress (INC) | 58100 | |
1951 | Bilaspur | Reshamlal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 30618 | |
1951 | Bilaspur Durg Raipur | Agamdas | Indian National Congress (INC) | 16702 | |
1951 | Buldana Akola | Gopalrao Bajirao Khedkar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 32440 | |
1951 | Chanda | Mulla Abdullabhai Taherali | Indian National Congress (INC) | 87129 | |
1951 | Chhindwara | Raichand Bhai Shah | Indian National Congress (INC) | 34255 | |
1951 | Durg | W. S. Kirolikar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 92226 | |
1951 | Durg Bastar | Bhagwati Charan Shukla | Indian National Congress (INC) | 54649 | |
1951 | Hoshangabad | Syed Ahmad | Indian National Congress (INC) | 174 | |
1951 | Jabalpur North | Sushil Kumar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 31262 | |
1951 | Mahasamund | Sheodas Daga | Indian National Congress (INC) | 62594 | |
1951 | Mandla Jabalpur South | Govind Das Maheshwari | Indian National Congress (INC) | 31791 | |
1951 | Nagpur | Anusayabai Purushottam Kale | Indian National Congress (INC) | 59064 | |
1951 | Nimar | Tiwari Babulal Surajbhan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 47323 | |
1951 | Sagar | Sodhia Khubchand Daryao Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 55746 | |
1951 | Surguja Raigarh | Babunath Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 47309 | |
1951 | Wardha | Shrimannarayan Dharamnarayan Agarwal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 107425 | |
1951 | Yeotmal | Sahadeo Arjun Bharati | Indian National Congress (INC) | 69489 | |
1951 | Madras | Anantapur | Paidi Lakshmayya | Indian National Congress (INC) | 9000 |
1951 | Aruppukottai | U. Muthuramalinga Thevar | Forward Bloc (Marxist Group) (FBL(MG)) | 19788 | |
1951 | Bellary | T. Subrahmanyam | Indian National Congress (INC) | 30361 | |
1951 | Cannanore | A. K. Gopalan | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 87029 | |
1951 | Chingleput | O. V. Alagesan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 15245 | |
1951 | Chittoor | T. N. Vishwanatha Reddi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 10508 | |
1951 | Coimbatore | T. A. Ramalinga Chettiar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 0 | |
1951 | Cuddalore | Govindaswamy Kachirayar | The Tamil Nad Toilers Party (TNT) | 21909 | |
1951 | Cuddapah | Eswara Reddi Yeddula | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 18467 | |
1951 | Dharamapuri | N. Satyanathan | Independent (IND) | 4646 | |
1951 | Dindigul | Ammu Swaminathan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 12332 | |
1951 | Eluru | K. Subha Rao | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 23151 | |
1951 | Erode | Balakrishnan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 15181 | |
1951 | Gudivada | K. Gopala Rao | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 55752 | |
1951 | Guntur | S. V. Laxmi Narasimham | Independent (IND) | 17517 | |
1951 | Kakinada | Chelikani Venkata Rama Rao | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 26361 | |
1951 | Kancheepuram | A. Krishnaswami | Common Weal Party (CWL) | 22509 | |
1951 | Kozhikode | Achuthan Damodaran Menon | Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party (KMPP) | 27454 | |
1951 | Krishnagiri | C. R. Narasimhan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 6194 | |
1951 | Kumbakonam | C. Ramaswamy Mudaliar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 33309 | |
1951 | Kurnool | H. Sitharama Reddy | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13013 | |
1951 | Madras | T. T. Krishnamachari | Indian National Congress (INC) | 16177 | |
1951 | Madurai | S. Balasubramaniam | Indian National Congress (INC) | 5817 | |
1951 | Malappuram | B. Pocker | Madras State Muslim League Party (ML) | 16976 | |
1951 | Masulipatnam | Sanka Butehikottaiah | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 46851 | |
1951 | Mayuram | K. Ananda Nambiar | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 9654 | |
1951 | Nandyal | Seshagiri Rao | Independent (IND) | 6604 | |
1951 | Narasaraopet | Chapalamadugu Ramiah Chowdry | Independent (IND) | 29936 | |
1951 | Nellore | Bezwada Ramachandra Reddy | Independent (IND) | 1787 | |
1951 | Ongole | M. Nanadass | Independent (IND) | 26180 | |
1951 | Parvathipuram | N. Rama Seshiah | Independent (IND) | 11845 | |
1951 | Pathapatnam | V. V. Giri | Indian National Congress (INC) | 6395 | |
1951 | Penukonda | K. S. Raghavachari | Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party (KMPP) | 24310 | |
1951 | Perambalur | V. Boorarangaswami Pandayachi | The Tamil Nad Toilers Party (TNT) | 18889 | |
1951 | Periyakulam | A/ Sakthivadivel Gounder | Indian National Congress (INC) | 32884 | |
1951 | Pollachi | Damodaram | Indian National Congress (INC) | 46661 | |
1951 | Ponnani | Kelappan Koyhapali | Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party (KMPP) | 9763 | |
1951 | Pudukkottai | K. M. Vallatharsu | Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party (KMPP) | 13111 | |
1951 | Rajahmundry | Kaneti Mohana Rao | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 1375 | |
1951 | Ramanathapuram | V. Vr. N. Ar. Nagappa Chettiar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 64992 | |
1951 | Salem | S. V. Ramaswami | Indian National Congress (INC) | 10865 | |
1951 | Sankaranainarkoil | M. Sankarapandian | Indian National Congress (INC) | 4118 | |
1951 | South Kanara (North) | U. Srinivasa Mallyya | Indian National Congress (INC) | 11854 | |
1951 | South Kanara South | B. Shiva Rao | Indian National Congress (INC) | 8841 | |
1951 | Srikakulam | Boddapalli Rajagopala Rao | Independent (IND) | 9399 | |
1951 | Srivaikuntam | A. V. Thomas | Indian National Congress (INC) | 42422 | |
1951 | Srivilliputtur | K. Kamaraj Nadar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26994 | |
1951 | Tanjore | R. Venkataraman | Indian National Congress (INC) | 5007 | |
1951 | Tellicherry | N. Damodaran | Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party (KMPP) | 36301 | |
1951 | Tenali | Kotha Raghuramiah | Indian National Congress (INC) | 1388 | |
1951 | Tindivanam | A. Jayaraman | The Tamil Nad Toilers Party (TNT) | 5898 | |
1951 | Tiruchengode | S. K. Baby Alias Kandaswami | Independent (IND) | 16691 | |
1951 | Tiruchirapalli | E. Mathuram | Independent (IND) | 17177 | |
1951 | Tirunelvali | Thanu Pillai | Indian National Congress (INC) | 14206 | |
1951 | Tirupathi | M. Ananthasayanam Ayyanagar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 6037 | |
1951 | Tiruppur | T. S. Avinashilingam Chettiar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26885 | |
1951 | Tiruvallur | Margatham Chandrasekar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19925 | |
1951 | Vellore | Muthukrishnan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 21294 | |
1951 | Vijayavada | Harindranath Chatopadhyya | Independent (IND) | 74924 | |
1951 | Visahkapatnam | Lanka Sundaram | Independent (IND) | 16616 | |
1951 | Vizianagaram | Kandala Subramaniam | Socialist Party (SP) | 84555 | |
1951 | Wandiwah | Munisami | Common Weal Party (CWL) | 27513 | |
1951 | Manipur | Inner Manipur | Jogeswor Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 9718 |
1951 | Outer manipur | Rishang | Socialist Party (SP) | 5354 | |
1951 | Mysore | Bangalore North | N. Keshavaiengar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 58847 |
1951 | Bangalore South | T. Madiah Gowda | Indian National Congress (INC) | 44185 | |
1951 | Chitaldrug | S. Nijalingappa | Indian National Congress (INC) | 79152 | |
1951 | Hassan Chickmagalur | H. Siddananjappa | Indian National Congress (INC) | 61272 | |
1951 | Kolar | Doddathimmiah | Indian National Congress (INC) | 31442 | |
1951 | Mandya | M. K. Sivananjappa | Indian National Congress (INC) | 39117 | |
1951 | Mysore | N. Rachiah | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13028 | |
1951 | Shimoga | K. G. Wodeyar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 55271 | |
1951 | Tumkur | C. R. Basappa | Indian National Congress (INC) | 68840 | |
1951 | Orissa | Balasore | Kanhu Charan Jena | Indian National Congress (INC) | 53338 |
1951 | Bargarh | Ghanshyam Das Thirani | Independent (IND) | 4784 | |
1951 | Cuttack | Harekrishna Mahtab | Indian National Congress (INC) | 49811 | |
1951 | Dhenkanal West Cuttack | Niranjan Jena | Indian National Congress (INC) | 37759 | |
1951 | Ganjam South | Bijoy Chandra Das | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 32478 | |
1951 | Ghumsur | Umacharan Patnaik | Independent (IND) | 18574 | |
1951 | Jajpur Keonjhar | Bhubananda Das | Indian National Congress (INC) | 20585 | |
1951 | Kalahandi Bolangir | Giridhari Bhoi | All India Gantantra Parishad (GP) | 10262 | |
1951 | Kendrapara | Nityananda Kanungo | Indian National Congress (INC) | 38052 | |
1951 | Khurda | Lingraj Misra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 25717 | |
1951 | Mayurbhanj (ST) | Ramchandra Majhi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 11160 | |
1951 | Nowrangpur | Ponnada Subarao | All India Gantantra Parishad (GP) | 1778 | |
1951 | Puri | Lokanath Misra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 16268 | |
1951 | Rayagada Phulbani (ST) | T. Sangana | Indian National Congress (INC) | 0 | |
1951 | Sambalpur | Natabar Pandey | All India Gantantra Parishad (GP) | 33338 | |
1951 | Sundargarh (ST) | Sibnarayan Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 5338 | |
1951 | Patiala & East Punjab States Union | Kapurthala Bhatinda | Hukam Singh | Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) | 23444 |
1951 | Mohindergarh | Hira Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 20791 | |
1951 | Patiala | Ram Partap | Indian National Congress (INC) | 22604 | |
1951 | Sangrur | Ranjit Singh | Independent (IND) | 13818 | |
1951 | Punjab | Ambala Simla | Tek Chand | Indian National Congress (INC) | 44383 |
1951 | Amritsar | Gurmukh Singh Musaffar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 32210 | |
1951 | Fazilka Sirsa | Atma Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 20167 | |
1951 | Ferozepore Ludhiana | Lal Singh | Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) | 675 | |
1951 | Gurdaspur | Teja Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 21688 | |
1951 | Gurgaon | Thakar Das | Indian National Congress (INC) | 76654 | |
1951 | Hissar | Achint Ram | Indian National Congress (INC) | 29971 | |
1951 | Hoshiarpur | Diwan Chand | Indian National Congress (INC) | 35145 | |
1951 | Jhajjar Rewari | Ghamandi Lal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 3932 | |
1951 | Jullundur | Amar Nath | Indian National Congress (INC) | 34458 | |
1951 | Kangra | Hem Raj | Indian National Congress (INC) | 74358 | |
1951 | Karnal | Subhadra Joshi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 51786 | |
1951 | Nawan Shahr | Baldev Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 42661 | |
1951 | Rohtak | Ranbir Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26372 | |
1951 | Tarn Taran | Surjit Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 23363 | |
1951 | Rajasthan | Alwar | Sobha Ram | Indian National Congress (INC) | 69650 |
1951 | Banswara Dungarpur (ST) | Bhikha Bhai | Indian National Congress (INC) | 42863 | |
1951 | Barmer Jalore | Bhawani Singh | Independent (IND) | 44493 | |
1951 | Bharatpur Sawaimadhopur | Girraj Sharan Singh | Independent (IND) | 19996 | |
1951 | Bhilwara | Hari Ram | Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya Parishad (RRP) | 13201 | |
1951 | Bikaner Churu | Maharaja Karni Singh | Independent (IND) | 63699 | |
1951 | Chittor | Umashanker | All India Bhartiya Jan Sangh (BJS) | 6599 | |
1951 | Ganganagar Jhunjhunu | Panna Lal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 10300 | |
1951 | Jaipur | Daulat Mal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13784 | |
1951 | Jaipur Sawaimadhopur | Ram Karan Joshi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 30859 | |
1951 | Jodhpur | Hanwant Singh | Independent (IND) | 101816 | |
1951 | Kotab Bundi | Chandra Sen | Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya Parishad (RRP) | 17140 | |
1951 | Kotah Jhalawar | Nemichand Kasilwal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 2659 | |
1951 | Nagaur Pali | Gajadhar | Independent (IND) | 14465 | |
1951 | Sikar | Nand Lal | Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya Parishad (RRP) | 4185 | |
1951 | Sirohi Pali | Ajit Singh | Independent (IND) | 62845 | |
1951 | Tonk | Panna Lal Kaushik | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18557 | |
1951 | Udaipur | Balwant Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 3570 | |
1951 | Saurashtra | Gohilwad | Mehta Balwantrai Gopalji | Indian National Congress (INC) | 57546 |
1951 | Gohilwad Sorath | Shah Chimanlal Chakubhai | Indian National Congress (INC) | 96455 | |
1951 | Halar | Major Gen. M. S. Himatsinhji | Indian National Congress (INC) | 0 | |
1951 | Madhya Saurashtra | Joshi Jethalal Harikrishna | Indian National Congress (INC) | 56237 | |
1951 | Sorath | Nathiwani Narendra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 76261 | |
1951 | Zalawad | Parikh Rasiklal Umedchand | Indian National Congress (INC) | 67383 | |
1951 | Travancore Cochin | Alleppey | P. T. Punnose | Independent (IND) | 76380 |
1951 | Chirayinkil | V. Parameswaran Nair | Independent (IND) | 16904 | |
1951 | Crangannur | K. T. Achyuthan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 21608 | |
1951 | Ernakulam | A. M. Thomas | Indian National Congress (INC) | 1736 | |
1951 | Kottayam | C. P. Mathew | Indian National Congress (INC) | 56347 | |
1951 | Meenachil | P. T. Chacko | Indian National Congress (INC) | 50350 | |
1951 | Nagercoil | A. Nesamony | Travancore Tamil Nad Congress Party (TTC) | 72115 | |
1951 | Quilon Cum Mavelikara | Sreekantan Nair | Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) | 26223 | |
1951 | Thiruvella | Mathen C. P. | Indian National Congress (INC) | 68899 | |
1951 | Trichure | Iyyunni Chalakka | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13938 | |
1951 | Trivandrum | Annie Mascarene | Independent (IND) | 0 | |
1951 | Tripura | Tripura East | Dasaratha Deb | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 13216 |
1951 | Tripura West | Birendra Chandra Dutt | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 42605 | |
1951 | Uttar Pradesh | Agra District (East) | Raghubir Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 22512 |
1951 | Agra District (West) | Achal Singh Seth | Indian National Congress (INC) | 56299 | |
1951 | Aligarh District | Nardeo Ji | Indian National Congress (INC) | 5616 | |
1951 | Allahabad Distt (East) Cum Jaunpur Distt (West) | Jawahar Lal Nehru | Indian National Congress (INC) | 51871 | |
1951 | Allahabad Distt (West) | Sri Prakasa | Indian National Congress (INC) | 36682 | |
1951 | Almora District (North East) | Devi Datt | Indian National Congress (INC) | 30795 | |
1951 | Azamgarh District (East) Cum Ballia District (West) | Algu Rai Shastri | Indian National Congress (INC) | 7263 | |
1951 | Azamgarh District (West) | Vishwa Nath | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18832 | |
1951 | Bahraich District (East) | Rafi Ahmad Kidwai | Indian National Congress (INC) | 25465 | |
1951 | Bahraich District (West) | Jogendra Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 9720 | |
1951 | Ballia District (East) | Murli Manohar | Independent (IND) | 6431 | |
1951 | Banaras District (Central) | Raghunath Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 39317 | |
1951 | Banaras District (East) | Tribhuan Narain Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 37715 | |
1951 | Banda District Cum Fatehpur District | Shive Dayal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18858 | |
1951 | Bareilly District (South) | Satish Chandra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 36673 | |
1951 | Basti District (North) | Udai Shanker Dubey | Indian National Congress (INC) | 105510 | |
1951 | Basti Distt Central (East) Cum Gorakhpur Distt (West) | Ram Shanker Lal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 24123 | |
1951 | Bijnor District (South) | Nemi Saran | Indian National Congress (INC) | 31498 | |
1951 | Budaun District (West) | Badan Sing | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26233 | |
1951 | Bulandshahr District | Balmiki Kanhaiya Lal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 42649 | |
1951 | Dehra Dun Distt Cum Bijnor Distt (North West) Cum Saharanpur District (West) | Mahavir Tyagi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 95669 | |
1951 | Deoria District (East) | Ram Ji | Socialist Party (SP) | 26161 | |
1951 | Deoria District (South) | Sarayu | Indian National Congress (INC) | 16370 | |
1951 | Deoria District (West) | Bishwa Nath | Indian National Congress (INC) | 36635 | |
1951 | Etah Disctict North East Cum Budaun Distt (East) | Raghubir Sahai | Indian National Congress (INC) | 22378 | |
1951 | Etah District (Central) | Rohan Lal Chaturvedi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 29585 | |
1951 | Etah Distt (West) Cum Mainpuri Distt (West) Cum Mathura District (East) | Digamber Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 63079 | |
1951 | Faizabad Distt (North West) | Panna Lal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18455 | |
1951 | Farrukhabad District (North) | Mool Chand Dube | Indian National Congress (INC) | 48085 | |
1951 | Garhwal Distt (East) Cum Moradabad Distt (North East) | Bhaktadarshan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 45330 | |
1951 | Garhwal Distt (West) Cum Tehri Garhwal Distt Cum Bijnor Distt (North) | Maharani Sahiba Kamlendu Mati Shah | Independent (IND) | 13982 | |
1951 | Ghazipur District (West) | Har Prasad | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13376 | |
1951 | Ghazipur Distt (East) Cum Ballia District South (West) | Ram Nagina | Socialist Party (SP) | 402 | |
1951 | Gonda District (East) Cum Basti District (West) | Kesho Deo Malviya | Indian National Congress (INC) | 39265 | |
1951 | Gonda District (North) | Chowdhari Hyder Husain | Indian National Congress (INC) | 20841 | |
1951 | Gonda District (West) | Nayar Shakuntala | Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha (HMS) | 18219 | |
1951 | Gorakhpur District (North) | Hari Shanker Prasad | Indian National Congress (INC) | 34810 | |
1951 | Gorakhpur District (South) | Sinhasan Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 31772 | |
1951 | Gorakhpur District (Central) | Dasrath Pd. Divedi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 94391 | |
1951 | Hamirpur District | Mannu Lal Duvedi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 4144 | |
1951 | Hardoi Distt (North West) Cum Farrukhabad Distt (East) Cum Shahjanpur Distt (South) | Bashir Husain Zaidi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18457 | |
1951 | Jalaun Distt Cum Etawah Distt (West) Cum Jhansi Distt (North) | Lotan Ram | Indian National Congress (INC) | 30234 | |
1951 | Jaunpur District (East) | Birbal Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19311 | |
1951 | Jhansi District (South) | Dhulekar Raghunath | Indian National Congress (INC) | 64311 | |
1951 | Kanpur District Central | Hari Har Nath Shastri | Indian National Congress (INC) | 71177 | |
1951 | Kanpur District South Cum Etawah District | Bal Krishna Sharma | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26590 | |
1951 | Kanpur Distt North Cum Farrukhabad Distt South | V. N. Tiwari | Indian National Congress (INC) | 28916 | |
1951 | Lucknow District Central | Vijai Laxmi Pandit | Indian National Congress (INC) | 67652 | |
1951 | Lucknow Distt Cum Bara Banki Distt | Ganga Devi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13064 | |
1951 | Mainpuri District (East) | Badshah Gupta | Indian National Congress (INC) | 38471 | |
1951 | Mathura District (West) | Krishna Chandra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18261 | |
1951 | Meerut District (North East) | Shah Nawaz Khan | Indian National Congress (INC) | 89152 | |
1951 | Meerut District (South) | Krishna Chandra Sharma | Indian National Congress (INC) | 89699 | |
1951 | Meerut District (West) | Khushi Ram Sharma | Indian National Congress (INC) | 79050 | |
1951 | Mirzapur District Cum Banaras District (West) | Rup Narain | Indian National Congress (INC) | 13837 | |
1951 | Moradabad District (Central) | Hifzul Rehman | Indian National Congress (INC) | 46973 | |
1951 | Moradabad District (West) | Ram Saran | Indian National Congress (INC) | 33092 | |
1951 | Muzaffarnagar District (South) | Tripathi Hira Ballabh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 73995 | |
1951 | Naini Tal Distt Cum Almora Distt (South West) Cum Bareilly Distt (North) | C. D. Pande | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19486 | |
1951 | Pilibhit Distt Cum Bareilly Distt (East) | Mukund Lal Agarwala | Indian National Congress (INC) | 26492 | |
1951 | Pratapgarh Distt (East) | Munishwar Dutt Upadhyaya | Indian National Congress (INC) | 54150 | |
1951 | Pratapgarh Distt (West) Cum Rae Bareli Distt (East) | Feroze Gandhi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19084 | |
1951 | Rampur District Cum Bareilly District (West) | Abul Kalam Azad | Indian National Congress (INC) | 34753 | |
1951 | Saharanpur Distt (West) Cum Muzaffer Nagar Distt (North) | Sunder Lal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 2045 | |
1951 | Shajahanpur Distt (North) Cum Kheri Distt (East) | Rameshwar Prasad Nevatia | Indian National Congress (INC) | 19409 | |
1951 | Sitapur Distt Cum Kheri Distt (West) | Pragi Lal | Indian National Congress (INC) | 6176 | |
1951 | Sultanpur District (South) | B. V. Keskar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 49832 | |
1951 | Sultanpur Distt (North) Cum Faizabad Distt (South West) | M. A. Kazmi | Indian National Congress (INC) | 18767 | |
1951 | Unnao District Cum Rae Bareli Distt (West) Cum Hardoi District (South East) | Vishamabher Daya L | Indian National Congress (INC) | 3342 | |
1951 | Vindhya Pradesh | Chhatarpur Datia Tikamgarh | Ram Sahai Tiwari | Indian National Congress (INC) | 1337 |
1951 | Rewa | Rajbhan Singh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 3301 | |
1951 | Satna | Upadhiya S. D. | Indian National Congress (INC) | 31701 | |
1951 | Shahdol Sidhi | Bhagwan Dutta Shastri | Socialist Party (SP) | 4777 | |
1951 | West Bengal | Bankura | Jagannath Koley | Indian National Congress (INC) | 12619 |
1951 | Barrackpore | Das Ramananda | Indian National Congress (INC) | 51504 | |
1951 | Basirhat | Chakravartty Renu | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 22970 | |
1951 | Berhampore | Tridib Chaudhuri | Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) | 28393 | |
1951 | Birbhum | Anil Kumar Chanda | Indian National Congress (INC) | 7012 | |
1951 | Burdwan | Atulla Ghose | Indian National Congress (INC) | 17464 | |
1951 | Calcutta North East | Hirendra Nath Mukherjee | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 35790 | |
1951 | Calcutta North West | Meghnath Shah | Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) | 22956 | |
1951 | Calcutta South East | Syama Prosad Mookerjee | All India Bhartiya Jan Sangh (BJS) | 20982 | |
1951 | Calcutta South West | Ashim Krishna Dutt | Indian National Congress (INC) | 34198 | |
1951 | Contai | Dass, Basanta Kumar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 127 | |
1951 | Diamond Harbour | Basu Kamal | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 2311 | |
1951 | Ghatal | Chowdhury Nikunja Behari | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 4519 | |
1951 | Hooghly | N. C. Chatterjee | Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha (HMS) | 4900 | |
1951 | Howrah | Santosh Kumar Dutta | Indian National Congress (INC) | 1766 | |
1951 | Kalna Katwa | Jonab Abdus Sattar | Indian National Congress (INC) | 21891 | |
1951 | Malda | Surendra Mohan Ghose | Indian National Congress (INC) | 41933 | |
1951 | Midnapore Jhargram | Bandopadhyaya Durga Charan | All India Bhartiya Jan Sangh (BJS) | 45508 | |
1951 | Murshidabad | Muhammed Khuda Bukhsh | Indian National Congress (INC) | 72231 | |
1951 | Nabadwip | Lakshmi Kanta Maitra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 39521 | |
1951 | North Bengal | Upendra Nath Barman | Indian National Congress (INC) | 14014 | |
1951 | Santipur | Arun Chandra Guha | Indian National Congress (INC) | 54194 | |
1951 | Serampore | Tusar Kanti Chattopadhyaya | Communist Party Of India (CPI) | 8936 | |
1951 | Tamluk | Samanta, Satish Chandra | Indian National Congress (INC) | 17769 | |
1951 | Uluberia | Satyaban Roy | Indian National Congress (INC) | 7398 | |
1951 | West Dinajpur | Susil Ranjan Chattopadhyay | Indian National Congress (INC) | 28232 | |
Grand Total | 12924470 | ||||
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Dr. Ajai Srivastava